Wednesday 26 January 2011

food is my favourite thing in the world

i wish i could sleep cause all i want is for dinner time to come tomorrow so i can try making 'chakalaka' for the first time. Seriously. with tonnes of rice. then maybe ice cream profiteroles for pudding, with white tea and vanilla. i can't stop thinking of food, oh my oh my. oh love of my life, i am yours.

feeling really angry today :(

I fuckin hate people who don't know they're born, people who correct others and talk down to others, people who make assumptions about large areas e.g cities, countries/groups of people even though all they really know is their own space and existence, spoilt brats, people who have been complimented and pandered to so many times that their self worth is sickeningly inaccurate, people who aren't down to earth.. I fucking hate them the most, the Kardashian family, people who have read a few books and think they are philosophers, snobs, snobs, snobs, pseudo intellectuals, people who feel the need to leave Kurt Cobain/Justin Beber comments on every youtube music video, students who talk about drinking as if no-one else drinks and then speak about hangovers as if others don't know what a hangover consists of, men who can't watch a vivian girls youtube video without commenting on how they're hot, fuckin ingrown hairs, fuckin every cunts obsession with designer handbags, sociopaths, money, needing money, making money, thinking of money before bed, people who use others in order to create a certain type of image, abc bouncers, all CPL bouncers, the constant rise in price of 1L bottles of ciders, cystitis, the fact tampons aren't free, the show 'this morning' and how they would never have two people of the same sex presenting because that would be homosexual, people who are sitting on the bus and can't tell the difference between shawlands and sauchiehall street -GET OUT THE FUCKING MEARNS SOMETIMES!, people from newton mearns, the avenue shopping centre, Andy Gray and his pure unfunny jokes, womens' magazines such as Glamour and the fact I bought one yesterday cause i like looking at pretty people, various other anti-feminist propaganda, tights that are too small, tights that are too big, Kesha, Uffie, Jessie J, Ellie Goulding, weak noise pop that is essentially Britney Spears with fuzz, the way "cannonball" by the Breeders in used in every single MTV documentary, phone company 3, ticketmasters poor customer service, wrapping ebay stuff, folk who have had a great life but make out it's been rough to appear hard/deep/gain other social acceptance, people who aren't themselves, shitebag people who make snide statements indirectly, sly people, excessive photography at gigs/social gatherings, busy bars, indie cindys in nice n' sleazies, NME, getting so angry I have to write hate lists to calm down, disaster movie, requiem for a dream, jared leto, the presenter from "sex money and hip hop honeyz", folk who moan about others not fully supporting the glasgow DIY scene without realising they're talking using hierarchy terms and contradicting everything they say they believe in, drifting from old friends, nostalgia, people who question an individuals knowledge in certain bands as if we were all 14 years old again, palm oil, most of the older males in my family, people who slag off the looks of neil lennon and overlook his true sexiness, embarrassing public displays of affection, christmas, winter, snow, people who signed 'save BBC 4 radio' petitions but probably never listened to it anyway, folk who take everything at face value, pettiness, when people fish for compliments and you want to kill yourself in front of them, the 44a bus route, the "" advert where the couple sing to each other about liking the Godfather 3 eeeeuuuggggh, when you get given a shite amount of black pepper, people who don't stop talking about themselves, people who don't stop talking about people who fancy them, when old friends join shite bands and you have to pretend you like them, the need to please, the nhs anxiety and depression GROUP meetings - that was for you DQ, tight jeans on men, tweede, hairdressers, typical hun behaviour, happy people, wee babies with ear piercings - tattoos allowed, greggs, people who eat macdonalds on the bus and make everyone else feel sick, cineworld and the fact they drove odeon into the ground (the old paramount!!), supervisors who sell their soul for an extra 10p an hour, KMR promotions, PCL promotions and their wanky attitude, gentrification in Partick/other west end areas destroying glasgow character, gentrification in general, shite public transport in poor areas, barrheads "shopping centre", every single cunting thing in the world ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRFFFFHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

Friday 21 January 2011

Example of a lie and a fact:


LIE: We HAVE to increase university fees, cut EMA for school kids from poor families, axe the UK Film Council and as many other arts as possible (we have no other options) in order to save this country from debt; the mistakes that bankers made. However, they can still have their millions of pounds of bonuses for now as it motivates them to work harder and sort out this mess... but yes British cinema and ten quid a week for poor children who stay on at school must go now!!!

FACT: David Cameron has never went a day hungry in his life and so does not care or plainly understand the plight and exploitation of the working classes/poor. Films and art mean jack shit to his small brain because thoughts and expressions don't matter to him, only money. The robot ALSO USES HIS DEAD FUCKING CHILD TO JUSTIFY RUNNING A FASCIST GOVERNMENT. And probably has a bent, dysfunctional dick too.


Saturday 15 January 2011

Just stop talking and remember others exist

Listen. Shut the fuck up. Why do you think people care? You are only about 700 years behind what everyone else already knows anyway. It's not new, so just shut your fucking face. If I wanted to hear it, I'd sit and watch a 13 year olds inexperienced Youtube vlogs all day every day; listening to their shitty theories about life and what is 'cool' music according to them. Why have people been brought up to believe other people want to apprehend every nugget of information about their lives as if they are fucking preachers or important at all. You have no significant problems. No unusual habits - you drink and take drugs? Whoa, so fuck, everyone does. No real life experience. No new ideas. No superior music taste. No unique emotions. Nothing. Fuck off.

Sunday 9 January 2011

So, jobhunting is going great.

Posted a wee ad on Gumtree. It's great being a female, so many doors are automatically opened for you.

"Hi there,

like the title says; looking for part time work in or around the Glasgow South Side area. Previous jobs have included working as a lawyers office assistant, call centre member, customer service provider (cinema/selling coach tickets) and finally some bar work. If you are looking for a hard working member of staff please get in touch via email below, as have a CV I can forward for your consideration.

Thanks a lot!



Hi there Megan, you have received a reply to your Gumtree posting "21 year old female student looking for work of up to 15 hours. Resides in Cathcart." (ad# 71552519) from <>:
"hi we are in the massage business 4 more details mail me ur mobile number ?"

Hi there Megan, you have received a reply to your Gumtree posting "21 year old female student looking for work of up to 15 hours. Resides in Cathcart." (ad# 71552519) from <>:
"Would you be interested in adult modelling??

£200 for 3 hours



"Yeah possibly, sounds good. Listen though, few questions - I'm actually a hermaphrodite and I have a lot of problems with my legs so sometimes have to use a walking stick (so it'll no doubt be in the photos I send you)

Would this be a problem?"

...Waiting for my reply. To be honest if they are nice enough to hire a hermaphrodite, I might consider it.

RIGHT.. massive rant.

One thing that I've hated for years and will remain to hate until I die is people who say the Pixies only had one good album.. Regardless of the fact it's always people who don't know what they're talking about in the first place, it still bugs me. Firstly, I really don't feel they are a band you can just LIKE, it is not possible because there is normally a fucking eagerness to hear everything because the sound is so exciting and unlike anything else. The music is also obsessive and strange and so the fans tend to be obsessive and strange over them; they are always 'the best band in the world', not just a band you like. Any real fan I talk to (someone that hasn't just watched fight club) has a story behind their relationship with the Pixies. They always seem to remember why and how they first got into them or who introduced them to the band. It's a band you can't help but go the whole hog with, and that get you into so much other music. SO, a true fan - someone who is truly MOVED by the magic and uniqueness in either Come on pilgrim,Surfer Rosa or Doolittle (whichever one is supposedly the 'good one' to them) will see that all the same magic and mystery is still alive in Bossanova, Trompe Le Monde because so much of the feelings come from within and they are blatantly still so great and unique. I'm not saying you can't like a band and think one of their albums is shit...umm Gang of four's 'Songs of the Free' is fucking shit, some Dinosaur jr albums are defo better than others and as much as it pains me to say it some new Butthole Surfers songs are just complete balls. But you can literally see and feel the difference in quality in these cases and it sucks to realise it. But the pixies have a tiny discography (which leaves you wanting more rather than saying they only have one good album) and the same punches and are still so clearly alive up until the end of Trompe Le Monde or even 'Bam Thowk'. In fact, the three closing tracks of Trompe Le Monde and the order of them will always pump the pants off you, what a combo. So stop just talking shit. You can't just like them, fuck off. People are just kidding themselves on and can get right to fuck 'cause it's not a band where you can just listen to one album or a few songs and think 'aw that's nice' and then not go back to for five years. It progresses until you know everything. PEOPLE SHOULD JUST FUCK OFF. fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off. Aye, this argument is based on bitterness, rage and opinion rather than actual facts or arguments, but still fuck right off.

Other things I hate are Gumtree, snoring, clammy nights, clumpy mascara, people who don't shut the fuck up about Starbucks and oversized dids. BYE.

Thursday 6 January 2011

Wednesday 5 January 2011

I'm honestly about to be sick. She wants a scrap doesn't she? She is asking for it. GET THAT FUCKIN AFF YOU MANKY HOOR. AL DEATH TO THE PIXIES YE, DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT YOU FUCKIN FUD.
Leo Jones. You are truly the biggest jobs-worth, cringe worthy bastard in the world/on television. Stop smirking. Shame on you. Have some hate.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Small hate list

Small hate list to kick off the day and get the blood pumping:

All WAGS (especially Cheryl Cole, Coleen Rooney and Abbey Clancey), Eamon Holmes, all royalty worldwide (no exceptions), Royal reporters, Ke$ha, Sarah Palin, British people who don't like spicy food, people who bitch about spicy food when they are eating it, fat people who complain about being fat but make no changes, girls who don't eat, Peaches Geldof, Pixies Geldof, Jared Leto, Joseph Blatter, Fearne Cotton, Holly Willoughby, religious people, "lads", "lads" on holiday, The Sun Newspaper, Danny Dyer, private school kids who dodge tickeys, most private school kids, Britian, Rosie Webster, people who get speedy boarding (dicks!), people who get their parents to pick them up from everywhere, Myleen Klass, people who wear 3D glasses with the lenses out, majority of English footballers, Piers Morgan, the film 'Disaster Movie', 3D films, people speaking/talking/singing/eating loud on the bus, rape - that's quite shite, Allan McGreggor (could apply to previous), T in the Park, John Smeaton, pro-lifers, Ugg boots and people who wear them, girls who have that Mariyln Manroe quote on their facebook, anyone at Glasgow Uni who has the side of their heads shaved with a big Morrisey style curly mop on top, Sasha Grey haters, people who don't like the shop Lush, the smell of Macdonalds, V-necks on men, Fannies who wear those full block colour cotton trackies - looks like the chipmunks?, woman who put the cat in a wheelie bin, David and Samantha Cameron, Nick Clegg, men in loafers, BB pins, pubic hair-less men, the security guard in the Body Shop in central station - you can't move around ya fanny, strawberries, the new St Enoch Centre, people who work in Cult Clothing, people who work in American Apparel, large crowds/busy areas, people who stand with their feet pointing inwards, songs about having money and liking asses, police, Lars Ulrich, British Remembrance Day, people who go to Karbon, Abbey Titmuss, Americas health care system, people who hate on single mums, Ann Coulter, Jane Norman (the shop), MSN articles. More tomorrow...

Monday 3 January 2011

Little girls and make up.

Right great. Got some anger stored up for my first post, so ready to go.

What the fuck is wrong with parents (primarly mothers) who let their daughters do make up videos on Youtube? I'm talking about four year olds... Although anyone under the age of sixteen should probably be verbally attacked too. I'm not some crazy conservative nun but like many, I've always had a problem with things like beauty pageants for little girls because it's pretty clear they feed off gender ideals which should be condemned rather than encouraged. However that's not even what annoyed me about the videos I watched today.

I've always struggled personally with how I use make up; I do use it to cover up, I do use it to feel better, and I do use it to change how others see me. So there have often been times where I feel it is unhealthy or going against my own beliefs. It has only been in the last year my opinions have changed and I have realised make up isn't some anti-feminist tool, well not for me anyway. Yes if a girl feels she SHOULD NOT leave the house with it on then there are problems in her thinking, but I enjoy make up. I like the process of putting it on, I enjoy how I feel when I have it applied; I enjoy it as art as fucking bent as that sounds. I can change the shape of my eyes, lips, cheeks and essentially use make up as a power tool. As I mentioned before though, when a girl can't speak to a man without a full face of make up on, or wears it because he tells her to, then I feel this is when I feel it becomes suppressive.

Back to why I'm angry though. In an ideal world, if I was to have a little girl, I would love for her to be a tomboy. Playing outdoors and not caring about how she looked at the age of four... But it's inevitable that some little girls are just girly girls, maybe due to the thousands and millions of gender role messages that are pumped into our heads from birth. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with this either, girly girls are cute aren't they...  But I just feel there is something worrying about a four year old girl who has a bigger make up collection than the average woman. Or am I getting old, perhaps this isn't as bad as I'm making out?

Among some pageant videos and make up tutorials by 5-11 year olds which I suppose are meant to be adorable or whatever? I found a video of a girl around nine. The video was called 'My MAC Cosmetics collection'. What the fuck is this shit? Surely at nine the only thing you are going to consider make up is some vaseline and bits of glitter from your glitter pens? But no this girl had MAC products. She even had MAC brushes. Fuck knows who's paying for these things. I couldn't afford my own MAC products until I was 20. I love MAC, but I think for a little girl to even know that brand is pretty sickening. I want to stick my hand in the screen, steal her away and force her to play outside on her bike. She probably doesn't have or want a bike though. Fucking weird children of today..

There are too many points I want to make but they are almost all subjective anyway so they are pretty much meaningless. I just don't understand why you would encourage your very young daughter to embrace such ideas about appearances and then allow them to post it on Youtube; perhaps making other nine year old girls think they are abnormal for not adopting such behaviour. It reminds me of a BBC3 documentary I saw about beauty pageants for children last year. It showed bright orange, pushy mothers coercing their little girls into activities which were really their own personal dreams. The usual stuff you see in these kinds of documentaries. However the worst bit was an interview between the film maker and a six year old pagent girl. He asked her what the most important things in life were and she replied "looking good and getting a good looking boyfriend. Not a geeky boy though, one like David Beckham". Fucking lovely. I hope someone smashes her parents’ skulls with hammers. Heavy fucking shite. Goodbye bastards.