Wednesday 26 January 2011

feeling really angry today :(

I fuckin hate people who don't know they're born, people who correct others and talk down to others, people who make assumptions about large areas e.g cities, countries/groups of people even though all they really know is their own space and existence, spoilt brats, people who have been complimented and pandered to so many times that their self worth is sickeningly inaccurate, people who aren't down to earth.. I fucking hate them the most, the Kardashian family, people who have read a few books and think they are philosophers, snobs, snobs, snobs, pseudo intellectuals, people who feel the need to leave Kurt Cobain/Justin Beber comments on every youtube music video, students who talk about drinking as if no-one else drinks and then speak about hangovers as if others don't know what a hangover consists of, men who can't watch a vivian girls youtube video without commenting on how they're hot, fuckin ingrown hairs, fuckin every cunts obsession with designer handbags, sociopaths, money, needing money, making money, thinking of money before bed, people who use others in order to create a certain type of image, abc bouncers, all CPL bouncers, the constant rise in price of 1L bottles of ciders, cystitis, the fact tampons aren't free, the show 'this morning' and how they would never have two people of the same sex presenting because that would be homosexual, people who are sitting on the bus and can't tell the difference between shawlands and sauchiehall street -GET OUT THE FUCKING MEARNS SOMETIMES!, people from newton mearns, the avenue shopping centre, Andy Gray and his pure unfunny jokes, womens' magazines such as Glamour and the fact I bought one yesterday cause i like looking at pretty people, various other anti-feminist propaganda, tights that are too small, tights that are too big, Kesha, Uffie, Jessie J, Ellie Goulding, weak noise pop that is essentially Britney Spears with fuzz, the way "cannonball" by the Breeders in used in every single MTV documentary, phone company 3, ticketmasters poor customer service, wrapping ebay stuff, folk who have had a great life but make out it's been rough to appear hard/deep/gain other social acceptance, people who aren't themselves, shitebag people who make snide statements indirectly, sly people, excessive photography at gigs/social gatherings, busy bars, indie cindys in nice n' sleazies, NME, getting so angry I have to write hate lists to calm down, disaster movie, requiem for a dream, jared leto, the presenter from "sex money and hip hop honeyz", folk who moan about others not fully supporting the glasgow DIY scene without realising they're talking using hierarchy terms and contradicting everything they say they believe in, drifting from old friends, nostalgia, people who question an individuals knowledge in certain bands as if we were all 14 years old again, palm oil, most of the older males in my family, people who slag off the looks of neil lennon and overlook his true sexiness, embarrassing public displays of affection, christmas, winter, snow, people who signed 'save BBC 4 radio' petitions but probably never listened to it anyway, folk who take everything at face value, pettiness, when people fish for compliments and you want to kill yourself in front of them, the 44a bus route, the "" advert where the couple sing to each other about liking the Godfather 3 eeeeuuuggggh, when you get given a shite amount of black pepper, people who don't stop talking about themselves, people who don't stop talking about people who fancy them, when old friends join shite bands and you have to pretend you like them, the need to please, the nhs anxiety and depression GROUP meetings - that was for you DQ, tight jeans on men, tweede, hairdressers, typical hun behaviour, happy people, wee babies with ear piercings - tattoos allowed, greggs, people who eat macdonalds on the bus and make everyone else feel sick, cineworld and the fact they drove odeon into the ground (the old paramount!!), supervisors who sell their soul for an extra 10p an hour, KMR promotions, PCL promotions and their wanky attitude, gentrification in Partick/other west end areas destroying glasgow character, gentrification in general, shite public transport in poor areas, barrheads "shopping centre", every single cunting thing in the world ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRFFFFHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG


  1. jesus christ, that is a shit load of hate! quite right though, alota good ones in there. nice wee shout out aswell, yas. here, that kesha is gettin sued for like £14 million off her ex managers - surely that will put a smile on your face!x

  2. See that match advert a mentioned though? Don't you just fuckin hate it so much. Noticed yesterday they've made a part two for it and thought my eyes were gonna burst into flames.

    Haha good, I hope someone kicks her head in too. She was on the telly yesterday saying how she looks through bin bags of clothes in streets. she obviously thinks were daft, it's clear she'll have some 10 grand a hour stylist to help her look like a bawbag. People who talk like their permanently stoned are the worst people in the world.x
